#hackerslivetoot "Don't forget God. System operators love to use 'God.' It's that whole male ego thing." I love the recognition, and how our heroes are so anti-male-ego-BS - #MatthewLillard (Cereal Killer) and #RenolySantiago (Phreak)
@fogsrollingin fantastic film. It's where my Johnny Lee Miller obsession began!
@TrendyKittyKat Same but #angelinajolie lol
I'm livetooting it rn after getting so into how genx is basically hosting the decentralization movement with us here on mastodon https://fandom.ink/@fogsrollingin/109362501176584935
@fogsrollingin speaking of Angelina, same era, did you ever see her in Playing God?
@TrendyKittyKat I was a little too preoccupied with how sexy David Duchovny was lmao
@fogsrollingin All good. I was doing over Timothy Hutton. But Angie still took my breath away.
@TrendyKittyKat they were all so super hot I legit need to watch this movie again now actually
@fogsrollingin I've been thinking I sound so a rewatch for ages.