#SiteStuff Think I'll go with a Wordpress companion blog to my manga sites (it's overdue anyway), and perhaps at some point in the future a Dreamwidth account for gaming. :|a
And I'll buy and customize a WP theme rather than design my own, because any free time I actually have for making layouts, I'd rather invest in designing shrines. Plus there's a different sort of enjoyment that comes from using a nice theme, like spending time in a hotel room rather than your own home.
@lethe just don’t get something that uses Divi
@gekidasa I have no idea what all this Divi, Elementor etc. stuff is about and hope it will stay irrelevant to me.
@lethe those are page builders. IMO, absolutely unnecessary for someone that can code. If you must use a theme with one, choose Elementor or BeaverBuilder, not any of the others.
If possible, don't choose a theme that depends on a page builder.
Gutenberg is the "block editor", WordPress' own new editor that is approaching a page builder (if you see references to "full site editing", they probably mean this
@gekidasa So it's an editor on top of WP...?? ???? ??? Or WP is only used as a CMS and the look is done via page builder? I've picked a theme and am waiting for feedback from a friend who uses a theme by the same creator, but I'm curious to know. In any case, thanks so much for the input. <3
I saw the block editor while writing a post and immediately installed the classic editor plugin.
@lethe It's an editor on top of WP. If you want to use the classic editor... don't pick anything with a page builder, they override it.
@lethe what's the theme? If you want more (potentially very nitpicky) feedback