This picture is extra funny with my new knowledge:
Sometimes male turkeys will attack parked cars, because they think they're rival males
Which must have been why these male turkeys were strutting around with their feathers puffed out. They're in neutral gang territory, gotta act tough tho
@ljwrites it's cold outside and sometimes there's trash to eat
@alpine_thistle valid, I just hope they don't get hit!
@ljwrites the receptionist was like "oh yeah, they live here"
@alpine_thistle @ljwrites I am afraid I would be there with scraps to encourage them in.
@hag @alpine_thistle @ljwrites
It's all fun and games until the crows show up, too.
[hums "West Side Story" opener]
@xenophora @hag @alpine_thistle @ljwrites lol, yeah my turkeys chase the crows but the crows are smarter, lead them to one corner of the yard, then fly back to eat the peanuts and sunflower seeds before they even know what happened
@alpine_thistle absolutely majestic!
@alpine_thistle i like that second picture bc it looks like they're walking to the car "alright fellas time to head home"
This needs to get put into the game Escape the Backrooms. A level where you must escape the endless parkade and not get got by turkeys.
@alpine_thistle My Favourite Panic! At the Disco cover band.
just eat them!, haha, and send me one of those, plz
@alpine_thistle The Sharks vs. Jets song just started playing in my head
@alpine_thistle I saw Turkeys in the Parking Garage open for Panic at the Disco back in 2010...
@alpine_thistle Is this the sequel to Snakes On A Plane?