A twist on the #mastodon #introduction
Introduce yourself using five #videogames to get to know you.
#FinalFantasy8 (played obsessively)
Gods, I look dull!
@ThetaSigma anyway five #videogames
extremely dated here
@thene is that just the first BA? I’ve been trying to play BA2 but have been finding Dragonsphere tedious so haven’t got there yet.
@ThetaSigma I loved 1 and 2/ToB and most especially ToSC. I haven't played Dragonspear but i remember buying a copy at one point. BG2 is ridiculously good fun.
@thene maybe I should just stop trying to play a full play though and ignore Dragonsphere. Desperately want to start BA2
@ThetaSigma that sounds like a plan tbh, BG2 is just so very dark & exciting right out the gate (ahem)