A twist on the #mastodon #introduction
Introduce yourself using five #videogames to get to know you.
#FinalFantasy8 (played obsessively)
Gods, I look dull!
You may notice from this that, prior to The Witcher, I’ve not actually managed properly to get into an RPG since I left home and gave my PS2 to my system.
I think the only RPGs I’ve finished since leaving home have been Baldur’s Gate, FF4 and FF6
@ThetaSigma i so rarely play games now.. FFXV and FFVII-R are the only RPGs I've finished in years and i didn't bother to 100% them. I've yet to touch BG3
@ThetaSigma Ooh, this was kinda difficult/fun - I didn't realize how many favorites I had until this
#NiNoKuni (Wrath of the White Witch, specifically)
@ThetaSigma Rofl I am here bc i used to read Alis's FFVIII fics in the early 00s. The only FFVIII fics I've written myself were crossovers with other FF games that I wrote for fic challenges back in the day. FFIX was the first fandom I ever wrote much fic for but it's all very old and not good.
@thene first time I encountered any fanfic of any kind was Squall/Zell slash fic. I stumbled upon it quite unwittingly!
@ThetaSigma o my. i still vividly remember one wonderful Squall/Zell series that was never finished - the Magic FF8-Ball series by XIneko - I always hope she's okay out there, she was such a brilliant writer.
@thene I need to hunt down some of the old fic. Those games were so perfectly designed to entice the imagination.
@ThetaSigma yes! the characters bounced off each other in such fun ways.
I've only done the two crossovers but here they are if you ever wanna see https://archiveofourown.org/users/Thene/pseuds/Thene/works?fandom_id=10795
@thene oooh! Thank you. That’s going to give me something fun to read this morning!
@ThetaSigma anyway five #videogames
extremely dated here
@thene is that just the first BA? I’ve been trying to play BA2 but have been finding Dragonsphere tedious so haven’t got there yet.
@ThetaSigma I loved 1 and 2/ToB and most especially ToSC. I haven't played Dragonspear but i remember buying a copy at one point. BG2 is ridiculously good fun.
@thene maybe I should just stop trying to play a full play though and ignore Dragonsphere. Desperately want to start BA2
@ThetaSigma that sounds like a plan tbh, BG2 is just so very dark & exciting right out the gate (ahem)